* * * Passages from the Baha’i Writings and literature about ‘Abdu’l-Baha, as well as His counsels and explanations

Mar 2, 2021

‘Abdu’l-Baha’s household

'Abd'l-Baha's House in 'Akka 1898
The Master's household numbers more than a hundred persons, not counting the children of the believers and His own grandchildren. How wonderfully significant, as an example to the world, is this living service so cheerfully given by each member of the family! There is such harmony and unity in this household, where all the machinery of every-day life is carried on without a break. Every emergency is provided for; unexpected visitors are always entertained with a composure and sincerity unbelievable unless witnessed day after day as I saw it. Where in this wide world could a parallel be found, even approximate to this? No complaint, no friction amidst a variety of temperaments and of different stations in life. It is a garden of variegated flowers growing in the utmost 8 loveliness! The contrast to family life in the outside world is so great that the observer marvels, and the conviction deepens that here is a miracle of miracles that only love, spiritual love, could make possible. 

- Marie A. Watson  (‘My Pilgrimage to the Holy Land’)