* * * Passages from the Baha’i Writings and literature about ‘Abdu’l-Baha, as well as His counsels and explanations

Mar 15, 2021

‘Abdu’l-Baha knew some English

We met the Ladies of the Holy Household assembled in the Tea Room, and with them two widows of martyrs to the Cause of Baha'u'llah. Greetings and messages of love from the friends at home were given with joy; then we heard a firm, quick step approaching the Tea-Room. No need to tell us who! Instantly all arose, and there in the open doorway we first beheld ‘Abdu’l-Baha, smiling a Heavenly welcome. Entering, he gave to each of us a hearty grasp of his hand, saying in English "Good Morning!" with a motion of his hand inviting all to be seated; inquiring as to our health; had we enjoyed restful sleep, expressing the hope that our journey may have been made with comfort. ‘Abdu’l-Baha then, turning to Miss Alma Knobloch, asked: "How are the German Believers?" She replied: "They are united and harmonious and are very firm." ‘Abdu’l-Baha then said: "Many great souls will arise in Germany to spread the Teachings to a great extent. I have sent Tablets to the Believers and the Assembly, and also to you. I have prayed for them. In the time to come you will be very happy to think of them. It will give you great joy and pleasure." Turning to Mrs. Ida Finch, he asked: "How are the Believers in Seattle?" Mrs. Finch replied: "They are very faithful. Some of us are united, but not all." ‘Abdu’l-Baha said: "I hope when you return to America you will carry to them the power of uniting all." He then inquired of Miss Fanny Knobloch the condition of the Washington Believers. "They are well and they love each other very dearly," was her reply. After this, messages sent by the various Friends were given, and many precious messages for them received in return.

(Ida A. Finch, Fanny Alma Knobloch, and Alma S. Knobloch, Akka, November 1908; ‘Flowers Culled from the Rose Garden of Acca’)